Firearm Safety And Training Academy

Tel: 708-300-1234

805 Lake Street, Suite 294, Oak Park, IL 60301.

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Florida Concealed Carry


This class is for students who wish to apply for the Florida Concealed Carry Weapon permit. Our curriculum covers vital Florida Concealed Carry info in addition to the state minimums. This course covers course materials and the full application packet with mailing services.


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This class (Florida Concealed Carry) is for students who wish to apply for the Florida Concealed Carry Weapon permit. Our curriculum covers vital Florida Concealed Carry info in addition to the state minimums. This course covers: course materials; the full application packet with mailing services; the Florida state required instruction; Basic Firearm Mechanics and Operation; Concealed Carry Ammunition Overview; Types of Concealed Carry Firearms; Concealed Carry Firearm Safety; Florida Legal Instruction (including Justifiable Force, Citizen’s Arrest, Reciprocity, Firearm Transport, etc.); Concealed Carry Firearm Storage & Accessories Overview (Holsters, Safes, etc.); Escalation of Force; Criminal & Civil Liability; and Firing Stances and Positions. We also cover the paperwork required to submit your application for a stress free experience for our students.

The course costs is $75/person or $100/couple. In addition, the Florida Concealed Carry Weapon Permit application fee is $55.00/person, and paid to the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. The permit is valid for 7 years and re-certification is not required for renewal.

Students must bring a state issued driver’s license or state Identification Card. Live ammunition is NOT allowed in the classroom. Standard firearms handling exercises are conducted in a dry-fire environment with NO LIVE AMMO in the classroom. Students are tested with real firearms to demonstrate understanding of firearm safety/safe handling and the ability to operate (load, aim, discharge, unload) the firearm correctly. Firing of a firearm is required to obtain the Non-Resident Florida concealed firearm permit. *Exception to firing – military veterans, prior law enforcement, hunter safety course completion, or anyone who has attended an NRA firearms course taught by a NRA Certified Instructor.

Students are provided with a copy of all class materials including the required course outline, Florida Laws and Information, and bonus materials covering the use of force continuum and other firearms and defensive topics – plus product reviews and recommendations. Persons taking this course must be: (1) Law-abiding adults 21 years of age or older; (2) Legal residents of the United States of America and (3) Eligible to legally handle firearms (NO convicted felons or otherwise restricted persons).

This permit is perfect for people who travel and want to legally protect themselves and their family. We provide all the training materials, certificate of completion, and for your added convenience we provide the Florida photograph and fingerprint cards. The Florida permit is recognized in 32 states for nonresidents. The Florida and Illinois permits combined are recognized by 37 states! There is no time
restriction for applying for this permit.

The Florida Concealed Carry License is honored in 31 states:
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Wyoming

Upon completion of the Illinois course, you may use your obtained Illinois certificate to apply for non-resident permits from the following states: Florida, Arizona and Utah.  Each state will charge a different amount for their own permit at the time of application. Applications are available by contacting the appropriate state.

Hours of Operations

Mon Morning: (8 AM – 4 PM) Evening: (5 PM – 9 PM)
Tue Morning: (8 AM – 4 PM) Evening: (5 PM – 9 PM)
Wed Morning: (8 AM – 4 PM) Evening: (5 PM – 9 PM)
Thu Morning: (8 AM – 4 PM) Evening: (5 PM – 9 PM)
Fri Morning: (8 AM – 4 PM) Evening: (5 PM – 9 PM)
Sat Morning: (8 AM – 4 PM) Evening: (5 PM – 9 PM)
Sun Morning: (8 AM – 4 PM) Evening: (5 PM – 9 PM)