Firearm Safety And Training Academy

Tel: 708-300-1234

805 Lake Street, Suite 294, Oak Park, IL 60301.

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Civilian TASER® Training Course $100

Civilian TASER® Training Course

Firearm Safety & Training Academy now offers the Civilian TASER® training course and certification for those interested in learning how to utilize a TASER® or stun gun as a non-lethal method of self-defense.

The C2 TASER® is an electronic control device intended to provide civilians a less than lethal method of self-defense, in effort to temporarily render an assailant incapacitated.

The new TASER® C2 series has an almost 100% effectiveness rating, combining the injury-reducing benefits of traditional stun technology with the enormous stopping power of neuromuscular incapacitation (NMI) technology.

As the user deploys the TASER® C2, it provides an incredible self-defense advantage allowing them to simply drop the device and get away during the 30-second interval the attacker is rendered incapacitated.

This course is designed to afford a hands-on training approach to demonstrate and understand how to properly deploy the TASER® C2 weapon in a safe and effective manner. This training course is structured into three formats; lecture, demonstration and scenario.

Students will be exposed to 2 hours of safety, skills and TASER personal protection techniques.


Duration: 2 hours



Hours of Operations

Mon Morning: (8 AM – 4 PM) Evening: (5 PM – 9 PM)
Tue Morning: (8 AM – 4 PM) Evening: (5 PM – 9 PM)
Wed Morning: (8 AM – 4 PM) Evening: (5 PM – 9 PM)
Thu Morning: (8 AM – 4 PM) Evening: (5 PM – 9 PM)
Fri Morning: (8 AM – 4 PM) Evening: (5 PM – 9 PM)
Sat Morning: (8 AM – 4 PM) Evening: (5 PM – 9 PM)
Sun Morning: (8 AM – 4 PM) Evening: (5 PM – 9 PM)